They look down on you, make you feel less desirable, inferior. They deprive you of what's due you. They silence you, reduce you to nothing. They feed on your weakness,subjecting you to depression and frustration.
The truth is they only do those things because they have nothing. They're empty vessels, they lack everything and they hide it I by bringing you down. They pry on those who have abilities, making them feel useless and worthless. They feed off you like pest, just so they can appear better than you.
So what does one do when you come across such individuals?
We simply ignore them. You have a goal, let it be your focus. You might find millions of them as you journey in life. They might be families, friends, co-workers, business partners, neighbours, employers, pastors, it doesn't matter who they are. Once you notice they're keen on dragging you down, simply ignore them.
They might have succeeded at one point, they might have deprived you of 'everything', reduced you to 'nothing'. But here's a secret they are not God.
Mankind may deprive you, but they can't limit you.
No matter how far down the ladder you've fallen, no matter the setbacks, every disappointment is a blessing. So instead of wallowing in self pity, climb up back. Don't give them that satisfaction. Never accept defeat.
Let them try as much as they want to. Always remember they can never limit you.
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