The rate at which sexual violation is increasing is really disturbing. One can say 85-90& of women have suffered one sexual assualt or the other. And the painful part is the victim's suffer more than the perpetrators. The reason is that the victims carry such hurtful memories in their minds, because one can try to forget but can never actually forget. While the guilty in most cases go free or at most are sentenced to 14 years jail term.
Since the fact has been stated, it is adviced that as a woman, once a fellow woman comes to share her story with you, your first words should be chosen carefully. On no circumstance should you blame the victim. No matter what lead/led to the rape or sexual assualt of any kind never blame the victim.
Am writing this because something happened today. A friend was sharing her experience with me about how she was sexually harassed. Instead of me to start by showing her comfort, I went straight to telling her what she did that she ought not to have done. But at a point I realised my mistake and corrected it. Because the fact remains that no matter what a woman do/does to avoid being sexually assaulted she is still likely to be assaulted. So no matter what, show love to a victim. At that point when she's sharing hetr pains with you she only needs your support and comfort.
Let her know it was not her fault and that she has nothing to be ashamed of.
WOMEN we are all we have.